All of the articles, chapters, and books listed below have been authored by Rosa Zubizarreta, except where otherwise noted. All rights reserved.
Dancing with Agile Deliberation (2023). Published on Medium. Brief essay on the use of advanced facilitation methodologies in democratic innovations.
Citizens’ Councils: What are they and why are they so popular in Austria? (2020). With Andy Paice and Martha Cuffy. newDemocracy foundation, R + D notes.
Relational Facilitation: Supporting the Creative Potential of Divergent Perspectives. (2019). Published on Medium. A closer look at advanced facilitation approaches.
Listening for Aliveness (2019, 2003). Recently published as a chapter in Dynamic Facilitation: Die erfolgreiche Moderationsmethode für schwierige und verfahrene Situationen. Edited by Matthias zur Bonsen and Rosa Zubizarreta: published by Beltz Verlag.
This piece has long been favorite of clients and colleagues, due to its many quotes from practitioners. It grew out of the interviews I conducted for my master’s project (below). Now it is a chapter in the second edition of the German-language book on Dynamic Facilitation, listed below. The version here is in English.
Participatory Public Policy Microcosms (2015). Spanda Journal, 2015, I:2, 9-17. A longer article on how microcosms can influence macrocosms, using the examples of the Canadian Experiment, the Mount Fleur Dialogues, and the BürgerInnenRäte in Vorarlberg.
Co-Creative Dialogue for Meeting Practical Challenges (2013). OD Practitioner, 45:1, 47-53. Journal article on applications of Dynamic Facilitation in a business context.
Practical Dialogue: Emergent Approaches for Effective Collaboration (2006). In Creating a Culture of Collaboration, edited by Sandor Schuman, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass / Wiley. This chapter explores some of the parallels and differences between Dynamic Facilitation, Dialogue Mapping, and the Transformative Mediation process.
Deepening Democracy: Awakening the Spirit of Our Shared Life Together (2003). Commissioned by the Collective Wisdom Initiative, a project of the Fetzer Institute. Article commissioned by the Collective Wisdom Initiative, a project of the Fetzer foundation, to offer some context for Tom Atlee’s 2003 book “The Tao of Democracy”.
From Conflict to Creative Collaboration: A user’s guide to Dynamic Facilitation (2014). by Rosa Zubizarreta. Minneapolis: Two Harbors Press. This book grew out of the manual that I first wrote in 2002, then continued to revise and expand several times over the years.
Dynamic Facilitation: Die erfolgreiche Moderationsmethode für schwierige und verfahrene Situationen (2019). Co-edited by Matthias zur Bonsen and Rosa Zubizarreta, and published by Beltz Verlag. This second edition now includes six additional chapters written by European practitioners, that are not currently available in the English book listed above.
Of those six additional chapters, one is Listening for Aliveness. Others include:
Hellrigl & Lederer’s Wisdom Councils in the Public Sector, based on their experiences in the Office of Future-Related Issues (Büro für Zukunftsfragen) in Vorarlberg Austria;
Trattnigg & Haderlapp’s article on Dynamic Facilitation and Culture Change;
zur Bonsen’s article on Wisdom Councils in a business context; and
de Bock’s experiences working with Dynamic Facilitation to support a transformation process in a nursing home.
One additional chapter is zur Bonsen’s insightful exploration of the use of questions in DF.
Academic writing, including dissertation and master’s project:
Facilitator’s Insights from the Vorarlberg Citizens’ Councils (2023). Qualitative dissertation on the process of collaborative meaning-making in these councils.
Relational Epistemologies for a Living Planet (2021.) This essay weaves together various different sources of inspiration from the realm of academia; authors who have been “pointing the way” toward a different kind of communication practices for deepening relationships while creating useful knowledge together. Discovering how their work has influenced one another has been one of the joys of my doctoral work.
Empathy in Collaborative Meaning-Making. My friend Edwin Rutsch, creator of, encouraged me to write more explicitly about the role of empathy in Dynamic Facilitation.
Puzzlements and Re-framings (2007). This article (like the “Listening for Aliveness” chapter above) was distilled from the more extensive master’s project below, and focuses on the theoretical implications of the Dynamic Facilitation approach.
Dynamic Facilitation: An exploration of Deliberative Democracy, Organization Development, and Educational Theory as Tools for Social Change (2002). Master’s project at Sonoma State University.
All of the articles, chapters, and books listed above have been authored by R. Zubizarreta, except where otherwise noted. All rights reserved.
See also:
Writings on Dynamic Facilitation by other authors
English-language materials on Bürgerräte in Austria and Germany