This page contains general writings on Dynamic Facilitation by various authors. If you have additional resources you’d like us to include, we’d love to hear about it!
Follow these links for writings on DF as applied to Wisdom Councils and Civic Councils and for Rosa’ writings on DF.
English-language materials:
“Dynamic Facilitation — A Method for Culture Change“ by Rita Trattnigg and Thomas Haderlapp offers an insightful exploration of what makes this facilitation approach so powerful.
“Supporting a Transformational Process with the Art of Dynamic Facilitation”, by Veerle de Bock, is a highly nuanced description of Dynamic Facilitation in use, in the context of the management and staff of a nursing home. This chapter also describes how this methodology works in an integrated way with other approaches, including Theory U.
Tom Atlee, the person who first introduced Rosa to Dynamic Facilitation, has a page on his new website with various resources. He also has a page on his older (legacy) co-intelligence website with links to various short articles on this approach.
Jim Rough, the originator of the Dynamic Facilitation Skills seminar and of the Wisdom Council Process, has a page on his website with links to various books and articles on Dynamic Facilitation.
Materiales sobre FD en español – Spanish Language Materials on DF:
La Facilitación Dinámica: Diversidad de perspectivas como fuente de energía y creatividad. (2016). El manual de Rosa Zubizarreta, con artículos escritos por Jim Rough. Traducido por Alma Flor Ada. A Spanish-language version of Rosa Zubizarreta’s DF manual, with Spanish translations of some of Jim Rough’s early articles. Translated by Alma Flor Ada.
Jost H. Wagner, en su Manual de diálogo y acción colaborativa del 2014, escribe extensivamente sobre la Facilitación Dinámica desde su propia experiencia. (Véase el capítulo 11, páginas 157-165.) Jost H. Wagner, in his Manual on Dialogue and Collaborative Action from 2014, writes extensively on Dynamic Facilitation from his own experience (See chapter 11, pages 157-165.)
Rodrigo Arce Rojas ofrece una breve reseña de la Facilitación Dinámica en uno de sus manuales, “Diálogo e interculturalidad en contextos de conflictos vinculados a la gestión de los recursos naturales” (2013, p.71) Rodrigo Arce Rojas offers a brief overview of Dynamic Facilitation in one of his manuals, “Intercultural dialogue in the context of conflicts over natural resource management ” (2013, p.71)